Monday, May 22, 2006

Copy This

At lunch today I stopped by my local FedEx Kinkos to drop off an order, which I felt was pretty straight-forward. . .

1- Cut the magazine down the middle
2- Laminate the front and back covers
3- Put a black spiral binding on the whole thing

Michael, my service representative, proceeded to fill out the order form on the computer/register at the counter. He asked for my name and phone number (okay). And then spent at least four minutes filling out the job section—which consisted of quite a lot of typing. When he printed out a claim receipt this was the only order-specific information that was on it:

Kara Wilson
Front and Back covers $2.49
Binding $5.48
Sub-total $7.97

I really think he was emailing his girlfriend while I was standing right there! What could have taken so long? What was all that typing about? And why does this job cost eight bucks? That’s a total rip-off and you used up my valuable lunch break time.

I miss my Kinkos at home where my neighbor John always helped me. I miss Cougar Creations at BYU where I never spent more than four bucks to get my Conference Ensign bound. I miss living in a town where there are copy center choices.

What do you miss about Utah Valley? I know there’s something—even you diehard anti-Provo-ites miss something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with goo.

3:01 PM  
Blogger cropstar said...

I miss that the "15 minutes to get anywhere in town" rule really does work.
I miss that when you drive down University Avenue the lights are timed just right so that you don't actually have to stop at all.
I miss having a spring and fall that last more than a week.
I'll save my "what I don't miss about utah valley" list for later;)

4:17 PM  
Blogger Kara said...

Goo and Andrea- The rest of us wish we were "with you" too. Thanks for keeping the MPA homebase established so we all have people to visit when we're in town.

Christy- I forgot about the 15 min rule. Justin A.(who you AND the MPA folks know) came to pick me up for a date once (before he was married). He arrived about 10 minutes early because he said he was operating according the 15 min rule- but only lived 5 min away. Unfortunately I was late arriving home that day, and Justin had time for a 15 min conversation with my parents before I arrived home and we could leave for the date.

4:31 PM  
Blogger jocie said...

things i miss about utah valley:
(1) my friends
(2) the mountains
(3) cafe rio
(4) maglesby's fresh
(5) my friend

8:26 AM  

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