Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Coat I've Always Wanted

Call me a tory, but I've always wanted a red coat.

The fact that this one is on sale right now makes me weak in the knees. It's also available in the yellow of my wedding-- but you just can't beat a red coat.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yes, I'll Marry You!!

Kelly just discovered Facebook and I received the following email*:

"We need to confirm that you are, in fact, married"?! Seems rather presumptuous of the folks at Facebook!

Yes, I would like to add Kelly as my spouse! I'm pretty sure I did that. --About a year ago!

*These pictures look great and crisp until I insert them. Any idea why?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blackboard Stroke of Brilliance

I had a good ORIGINAL idea last week, and today I logged onto my google reader only to discover that three other people almost had my idea too.
I am writing this post to share (and claim) my idea, which is this: I'm going to hang a large, framed blackboard above my living room sofa.
Similar ideas were posted today by:

and Design*Sponge,

who bought her blackboard from Bluebell Bazaar.

. . . But none of them have hung their blackboard as a work of art.

In the living room.

It's going to look great!

Monday, October 13, 2008


You may notice a few re-posted posts and pictures here during the next week. I'm working to combine my two blogs.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Del Sol

I have committed to running this race in February.

You wouldn't know it from reading my blog, but I am a runner. I'm trying to continue to be a runner, but I'm sure not as fast as I used to be. I need to fall in love with running again. I used to love it, but now I want to sleep in the morning and be at home with Kelly in the evening. I have really enjoyed trail runs with the dog the last few Saturday mornings, but I need to take it a step further and actually TRAIN.

I'm looking forward to the relay because it's a long race (my legs total 15 miles), but not a full-marathon, which I don't feel up to committing to right now.

I'l let you know how the training goes.