Friday, March 03, 2006

Just Do It

I’ve wanted to start a blog for quite some time, but refused to begin until I was ready to make it a good one—really worthwhile.

While I have no delusions of this being an inherently worthwhile blog, I recently came to the realization that I use the “do it right, or don’t do it at all” argument as an excuse for not doing several things I should have accomplished a long time ago.

A short list includes:
- Decorating my room
- Organizing the “I might use this in my real job” pile of stuff from school
- Keeping a journal
- Sending a package to my brother on his mission in England*

Isn't it ironic that perfectionism is what drives me to complete inaction?! Does anyone out there suffer from this disease too? Any ideas on treating it?

In my effort to overcome this debilitating disease I have started this blog. Here is it. It’s not going to be perfect. What you see is what you get. But at least I started!

* Congratulations Craig—you are the first person to be mentioned on Kara_Line. Too bad you won’t even see this for another year and a half!


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